Encontrei algumas palestras em MP3 e outros formatos, em inglês, interessantissimas, dicas do Shikida.
Na FEE.org e em Princeton
Na palestra "Why governments keeps growing" da FEE, tem dois prólogos interessantissimos, este transcrito e outro sobre quando deus criou o inferno.
"Ladys and Gentlement, Good Eevening, I'm soo glad that I'm not giving you a talk anymore, and I can just open that evening, right, it's much nicier, belive-me.
Well, Richards and I just come back from Moscou, and I inderstand that we are in trouble. Whem we were living Moscou and we were passing the pass-board control, the girl told me:
- You live in America.
- Yeah.
- You are Lucky.
- Oh, sure.
- Your governament is better than ours.
- How soo?
- They care about people. We dont't have to work to eat.
And I realize that It's time to think about what's happening in America, if in Russia they are less caring about their people... trouble trouble trouble"
Obs: Desculpem os erros na transcrição, mas eu fiquei muito impressionado com a clareza da palestrante, nunca vi ninguém defender que o governo cuide menos das pessoas no Brasil e nem consigo imaginar essa pessoa sendo aplaudida.
Obs2: Eu ainda vou comprar um microfone pra gravar as reuniões de AsquintaS e lançar o nosso Podcast.
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